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LOL! Holy shit indeed.

I remember a friend showing me a copy of Aloud! This was before I realized that you were published because . . . well, you know how communication can be. Anyway, I took it and said, "Gee, I wonder if my step sister is in it." Of course, after flipping through the table of contents I found your name and eagerly turned to the page to read you piece.

But gee . . . you think I might have noticed your picture on the cover! It took me owning the book before I said, "Holy shit! That's Janice on the cover."

Do send her a copy. I doubt she'll find any fault in what you wrote.

That's totally insane weird.

It's a small world after all.

another facebook miracle :)

Hey, maybe if she likes it, she'll tell her friends, and it'll sell! Oh, wait, you said seventh printing, didn't you? Yeah, maybe she'll like the book! And that's plenty.

I wonder if she'll identify with "Past-Due Flounder"...

That's awesome! Congrats on printing No. 7, superstar.

I think the reason we survived is we were able to take problems of the soul and spirit and transform them into problems of craft. Hey Janice - ya wanna set and clear for me? I'll get ya back next week...
I hung last night with one of our sistahs...

I think the reason we survived is we were able to take problems of the soul and spirit and transform them into problems of craft. Hey Janice - ya wanna set and clear for me? I'll get ya back next week...
I hung last night with one of our sistahs...

Small world. I was there too and I remember you -- and Laura!

Glad to know yet another one of us has survived.
Congrats on making something of it all.
I'll pick up a copy of your book(s).


Whoa that is weird stuff! Keep us posted.

Congrats on the 7th printing. I personally take some credit for that since I've recommended the book to so many people :)

Congratulations!!! Seventh printing!!!! Damn, woman!

That's exciting!! Now tons more people can fall in love with the book and you...just like I have... :Sigh!: No seriously, ever since I picked up that book a year ago "I stop this feeling....deep inside" (Referencing the song "Hooked on you" lol)Congrats girl!!!!

Ditto ditto, Janice, Laura and Lauren... I stumbled upon this link by non-coincidence I suppose. Good to see that we are all vertical after our time at 465. I'll order your book, I hope it ships to New Zealand...Genice

Holy shit. Genice! So glad to know you are vertical! Thought of you many times over the years...

Hey Janice, we're having a little reunion here because of you.

Shit shit shit. JT Leroy is a woman? I read Harold's End about two years ago, recommended by a friend who was reading incessantly about troubled teens. I never even thought about JT being a woman. Before Girlbomb, I never went to author's websites. Janice, I was a virgin when I came to your site..haha. Unbelievable. I'm stunned. Hope you can all get together one day.

Oh! And congratulations on the seventh printing! NOW will you come to the West Coast pleeeeeeeez!


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